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Simple is always best. So many outlets in life send a message of more, bigger, better, faster! Recipes using crazy stuff, begging to be unique, secret ingredients, everything begging – here, here, look over here! Be the best, use the rare, expensive, exotic, etc!

I’m team “scale back”. Scale back on everything. Command your time back, command your space back, simplify the way you cook. Spend less; you’ll be happier, I promise. When we rest first and get our priorities in line, God, family, life, everything starts to feel better. When we place all of our trust in God we can’t help but be overtaken by peace. Life won’t be perfect, but there will be peace in the trial. Peace comes when we let go of our expectations and allow God to provide all of our needs.
Are you facing financial struggles? Relationship turmoil in your marriage or family? Stress beyond belief from work or daily responsibilities like motherhood? He desires to meet every need, to be your strength. To carry you when you hurt. Life is most certainly unfair and unpredictable. We get sick, weary, tired, broken, and unhappy. It’s a comfort to know that perfect peace and rest can always be found when we call upon Jesus. Just the mention of His name can bring a wave and rush of comfort that you may have been desiring for a very long time. He will heal your heart. Today, my dear friend, I challenge you to slow down, to spend time with God, to exhale the hard stuff and breath in His rest. He makes all things new. This milkshake reminds me how good and simple summer is. It’s just ice cream and juicy peaches. That’s it.

Three peaches to every 3 cups vanilla ice cream, pulsed to keep the bits of juicy peach intact and not liquefied. Texture adds an awful lot to these milkshakes. Add a shot of bourbon for an extra special adult treat. Let’s face it, bourbon and Jesus go a long way in life!