Brioche Cinnamon Rolls with Cream Cheese Toffee Sauce 

These cinnamon rolls are the ONLY cinnamon rolls you’ll ever want to make! Out of my cookbook, Butter, Flour, Sugar, Joy, these cinnamon rolls are gooey, delicious and a perfect treat to bring to a new mom, a party or just for a cozy day at home. Enjoy!

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Prep time 10 minutes 
Kneading time 10 minutes 
Proofing time 1 hour 15 minutes 
Bake time 25-30 minutes 
Makes 12 rolls in two 9×13 pans 

Brioche dough 
2 tablespoons soft butter 
1 egg room temperature egg 
3 cups flour 
1 cup warm milk 
3 tablespoons honey 
2 teaspoons active yeast 
1 teaspoon kosher salt 

Cinnamon sugar mixture 
1/2 cup soft butter 
1 cup Brown sugar 
1 tablespoon cinnamon

Brown sugar pans 
1/2 cup melted butter 
1 cup brown sugar 

Cream cheese toffee sauce 
1 1/3 cups brown sugar 
3/4 cup heavy cream 
8 ounces soft cream cheese 

This dough recipe can be prepared by hand, in a stand mixer, or in a bread machine on the dough setting. 

  1. For the stand mixer combine all dough ingredients in the work bowl. Using the dough hook attachment, mix/knead 7-10 minutes until the dough is smooth and pulls away from the sides of the bowl. If making by hand, knead the dough 7-10 minutes using your palms. 
  2. Cover the dough with a damp towel and allow to rise in a warm place for one hour and 15 minutes. 
  3. Punch down the dough and roll to a roughly 16×10 inch rectangle on a lightly floured surface. 
  4. Prepare your 9×13 pans by lining with parchment. Melt 1/2 cup butter for the brown sugar bottoms.  
  5. Pour half the butter and brown sugar evenly into each pan. 
